
Enjoy Extra Light on the Shorter Days This Winter

Enjoy Extra Light on the Shorter Days This Winter - Image 1

Hate coming home to a dark house? Need more light in an outbuilding? Love flashy holiday displays? 
Grand Bay Electric can help with a range of outdoor lighting solutions to make winter a little more bearable. Here are a few ways to keep your family safer and happier all year long.

Get those porch lights working. Stop fumbling around trying to unlock the front door or shining a flashlight into the backyard to locate the family dog when it refuses to come back inside. Entry lights make your home safer and more secure. If you’re worried about wasting energy from leaving them on for 12-plus hours a day, you can easily add motion sensors to switch on the lights when they detect activity.

Show off your home’s features. Lighting is a great way to accentuate the architectural details of your home and add interest to landscaping. It also helps keep intruders away. Consider spotlights on the facade, floodlights for the driveway, and uplights to give trees a unique night-time look or illuminate fencing around the perimeter of your property.  

Celebrate in style. Nothing’s more festive than an outdoor holiday display. And nothing’s more frustrating than having two few outlets to handle your twinkle lights or, worse yet, popping a breaker every time you turn them on. Grand Bay’s experienced electricians can show you options that give you the flexibility to go all out – and maybe even win the neighborhood decorating contest.

Illuminate your path. Walking out to the garage or pole barn shouldn’t be treacherous. Our professional electricians can run power to your outbuildings and give you the ability to see what you’re looking for when you get there. We can also make your garage work area more functional by adding outlets to plug in all your tools. (Wouldn’t it be helpful if everything didn’t need to be plugged into that single light fixture? And if you had enough power to safely run air compressors and other high-voltage equipment?) 

Whether it’s adding outlets, repairing fixtures, upgrading your service panel, or even designing a complete exterior lighting plan, the experts at Grand Bay Electric are here to help. Our team of licensed electricians has the know-how to give you exactly what you’re looking for and do it in a timely and 

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Grand Bay Electric
4475 Airwest Dr SE
Kentwood, MI 49512
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